Craig Willliamson, University of Minnesota, Grid Modernization

Craig Williamson

Senior Principal Consultant
DNV GL - Energy North America

Craig has over three decades of experience in the electric and natural gas utility industry with expertise in load research, statistical analysis, impact evaluation, sample design, and experimental design. He possesses an in-depth knowledge of data analytics, forecasting, rate design, cost allocation, demand response, and program impact evaluation. He has been an instructor since 1995 for the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies, teaching Sample Design and Statistical Data Analysis of the Fundamentals of Load Analysis Course, and more recently, Intermediate Statistical Methods. Craig started his career at Public Service Company of Colorado (now Xcel Energy) as a rate programmer, and then was manager of load research and evaluation for 10 years. Since then, he worked for several energy consulting companies before joining DNV GL in July 2016. He has an M.A. in Applied Math (Statistics) and a B.A. in Mathematics and Theatre from the University of Colorado.