Thomas Golden, Grid Modernization

Thomas Golden

Program Manager, Technology Innovation

Thomas Golden is Program Manager, Technology Innovation at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). His previous role was as the Manager of Energy Market Design at the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), where he and his team were responsible for the evolution of the NYISO wholesale energy electricity market design. The team was closely focused on improving pricing signals and incentives that closely align with reliability needs and/or policy objectives.

Before leading Energy Market Design, Thomas was the Manager of Technology Management at Duke Energy, where he helped shape the company's strategy and policy regarding energy storage and emerging technologies. Thomas was a speaker at numerous National conferences and Universities where he delivered a message of thought leadership and change management related to emerging technologies. He was honored as one of the fifty Smart Grid Pioneers of 2015. Previously, he led the Senior Reactor Operator Initial Licensing Program at Duke Energy's Catawba Nuclear Station. In this role, Thomas developed future licensed reactor and senior reactor operators who are tasked with operating a two-unit commercial nuclear reactor facility. Thomas earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as well as a Master of Business Administration from Wake Forest University. Thomas is a military veteran, serving 12 years on active duty in the US Navy where responsibilities included operating submarine nuclear reactors and land-based prototype nuclear reactors.